Hello Kitty Bag and Numerous Treats Thanks to Nadine!

I am so incredibly excited about this post because I have been waiting for this Hello Kitty bag for what feels like a very long time! Ever since I saw a friend’s bag from Jump From Paper, I have been dying for one of these cartoon bags! Check out the site (they don’t ship to Canada…) and then check out what Nadine found in Japan and graciously shipped to me! Isn’t it so cute? I am almost afraid to use it because the bag is so flat that I don’t want it to lose its shape! The handle aren’t padded so I really can’t put much in, but I don’t care. This bag is just too awesome!


Of course Nadine also added some extras for me including sheet masks which I love way too much!


Each packet felt so squishy and full of “essence”. Just what my face loves! The snake venom one looks fun, I can’t wait to see what it does!


Also included, some Miss Bunny facial tissues and Canmake BB Cream which I gave to much whiter Canadian friend :-) as it was even too light for me.


Lots of samples! All of it is stuff I haven’t tried before either so these are so awesome!


A lot of these candies do not exist anymore as I have ingested them. The Kit Kats were so good and Nadine was also kind enough to include more of the caramels that I loved so much from the Candy Japan subbie that I had. Nadine, I cannot thank you enough for this! You are far too generous! This is an experience I owe to the community of beauty blogging. I love you guys!


  1. that IS such a cute bag! haha
    and tons of samples and yummy candies :)
    the snake venom mask caught my eye - tell us how that goes!

    1. If you don't hear from me in awhile, things have gone horribly wrong...

    2. I use to hate Hello Kitty, but I find that I've actually gotten MORE Asian as I've aged...is that weird??

    3. haha ok i am on alert!

      and actually i don't think that's weird at all! i didn't hate Hello Kitty but i wasn't the hugest fan (but i did love Pochacco). now that i see HK stuff at Forever 21 or like Sephora, it is just too cute!

      and i looked up some of those Jump From Paper bags - this is the most interesting thing ever!! i think i'll need to get one of those too!

    4. I had a thing for Bad Badtz Maru because he was a such a badass and never smiled at anything. He represented my teenage angst ;-)

      The bags are so awesome! I really wish they shipped here!

  2. I'm so glad the bag held it's shape. :)
    And now you've got me hooked on those caramels. They are soooo yummy!!

    1. They are so addictive and pleasantly chewy. Thank you so much Nadine, you are awesome!

  3. oh woah so many things!!the bb cream looks interesting!

    Bea =)

    1. The BB Cream didn't work out for me :( It was too light, but my very fair friend loves it!

  4. LoL @ getting more Asian with age. Funny how stuff like that works huh?

    That bag is so cute! I don't own anything Hello Kitty :P And ew snake venom sheet mask.. just because it says snake on it I probably wouldn't even be able to bring myself to touch it lol.

    1. Age is weird! I don't speak Chinese, but I probably will in the next 30 years!

      Really? The biologist doesn't want to put "biology" on your face?! LOL!

  5. What an adorable bag!

    That KitKat looks so good. I'm jealous how Japan has so many different flavours of them!

    1. I always think that Japan has the better versions of candy that we miss out on. The Kit Kats were so good!

  6. So cute <3


  7. The bag is too adorable!
    Wow, soo many goodies, how generous of her! The snake venom mask kind of worries me LOL. Be safe! Haha.

    1. LOL, I told Helen to keep an eye out for me if she doesn't hear from me in awhile after using it! Nadine is GREAT. I love swapping with her!

  8. That Hello Kitty bag looks amazing!! And I love Asian candies so much! Can't wait to see what you think about those beauty products :)

    xx Ellie

    1. It's the cutest bag, I want to use it as a "briefcase" and see what my clients say!

  9. That bag is adorable! I love HK! Hubs says I am too old but I strongly disagree! I saw some Hello Kitty elastics at Old Navy today and I was soooo tempted to purchase them!

  10. Haha that Hello Kitty bag is awesome! Love all the goodies you got! I love flavored kit kats! :D

    1. The Kit Kats were sooo good! Why can't North America get flavours like that?!

  11. omg that bag is too ridiculously cute! And those goodies...I'm intrigued...especially by those tomato mask thingies.

    1. I want to use the bag in my business environment and see what clients say...I'm curious about the tomato mask as well. I'm sure I'll have something to say about it in the near future!

  12. Aww what a cute bag. And an impressive stash you got! I am envious of the candies! :)

    1. I really shouldn't be eating as much candy as I am now! And it's Christmas too so I'm really indulging myself!

  13. that is cutest bag ever and what a nice set of goodies to go with it!

    1. I want to use it as a briefcase...is that crazy?
